Once the route and the dates of the route have been agreed with the custodians, it is a good idea to prepare adequately.

  • Due to the presence of many groups alternating at the stop points, once agreed it is not possible to change the fixed itinerary.
  • Inform calling the Centralina number +39 331 2739933 when you are close to the first scout base of destination - be it Centralina or Casera - whether you are on time or for any reason you are late.
  • The valley presents very demanding physical barriers, the path to Centralina is a long climb of stone steps. There are no roads and the only connection to the nearest town is by helicopter. Consider that for some kids it could be very difficult, if not downright impossible, to climb.
  • The experience of val Codera and the mountains in general is the more meaningful the more we adapt to the place and not vice versa, so be careful to leave early, to use time, places, effort, etc. well. For example: quick and light lunch, instead a richer dinner once you have arrived; short prayer in the morning, to be able to praise the beauty of Creation along the entire route (and this can only be done well by starting early in the morning.
    Remember to bring the map (see website: www.scoutcodera. it)
  • Val Codera, like any alpine environment, is fragile and the numerous presence of scouts makes the conservation of this environment problematic. Prepare well by thinking about how to minimize the impact of our presence: bring toilet paper, a shovel (one per unit) is mandatory to bury organic waste when the base bathrooms are not available, avoid disturbing the fauna and to trample the meadows-pastures; bring back all waste in the backpack, including tissues and diapers, to deposit them downstream.
    Val Codera has the particularity of having seen the Aquile Randagie in action and of being one of the very few Alpine valleys not crossed by a road but inhabited all year round: for this reason we offer everyone a chat about the AARR and a service for the valley. Reserve time for service activities that you will agree on site with the custodian, based on requests and occasions.
    It wouldn't be a senior scout experience if it weren't characterized by simplicity, frugality, the decision to abandon for a while all the things considered indispensable but which one can certainly do without.

Buona strada, the Comunità Capi Codera 1